Strategy, Tools, Practice
Jeanette Pope
I have worked in strategy, policy and research in government, statutory authorities, not-for-profits and universities. For a decade I developed the strategy and research agenda for the Department for Victorian Communities writing whole of government strategies to address disadvantage, and coordinating research and evaluation across planning, community development, regional development, sport and recreation, local government and youth, women’s, disability, multicultural and veterans affairs.
In 2012, I won a lifetime achievement award for building the evidence base for community development as a public policy solution in Victoria.
I have expertise in quantitative and qualitative research methods and have developed numerous research tools including for evaluation, data sharing, finding and using data, building community partnerships, evaluating partnerships and social planning. I have also designed large population surveys, including a survey of community strength of over 35 000 Victorians, now collected in the State's survey program.
I am interested in strategic research and how it can help empower citizens, foster participation, and create local action to find novel solutions to society’s social, economic and environmental issues.
See my CV on Linked In
Listen to me being interviewed at the Global Education Leaders' Partnership (GELP) conference in Aukland on the future of work.